I would first like to thank all those that gave, believed, loved, and hoped with me and ARC2 enterprises throughout this past year. Without your support and caring ARC2 enterprises would not have had the great year we have had!
As this year comes to an end and we look forward to next year, to the progress we all can achieve I would like to offer an opportunity that will truly help all achieve a higher level of success.
There are many who go through the holidays and through the year who truly need a hand up. These are people that are all around us-our neighbors, our friends, our family, and many people we don't even know. Struggling with health issues, money issues, relationship issues, mental health issues and on and on and on. I would like to offer the opportunity of giving. For those who have not yet created the opportunity to give of your time, your talents or your treasure- all of which are truly appreciated, take a moment and look around is there that one person, group or cause that pulls at you and says, " hey, I can make a difference there!"
Yes, there are many ads on television and the radio, and groups asking for assistance this time of year. It can be overwhelming but is it really? Is it more overwhelming than a person who may not know where their next meal is coming from; or more overwhelming than a family displaced by a natural disaster; or more overwhelming than a transplant recipient who doesnt know if tomorrow will come. Those moments and many others are, for many, truly overwhelming. This opportunity to give can look so many different ways. It can be as simple as hugging a friend whose lost a loved one, to complimenting a smile or as grandiose as taking a mission trip to ravaged area of the world or donating your fortune to a cause that resonates with you. A hand up, a little bit of hope, can go a long way to making a better today and hopefully tomorrow, for someone who truly is overwhelmed.
So if you want this year and next to be successful on a higher level, take an opportunity to give, to make a differnce in the life of another. We all have either or all-talent, time or treasure- we can give. When that opportunity is created you will be amazed and what you will recieve!
For ideas and or places to give you can look at the the partnership page of arc2health.com or call any number of service orginizations-Kiwanis, Sertoma, Lion's Club, Rotary, Shriners- just to name a few. Thank you for creating this opportunity for yourself and for others!