Well,before I get on any kind of "soap box" I want to begin by stating how important preparing yourself is ...for anything!
If you wish to improve your health, or get a new job, or shovel your driveway or even go to the store to buy groceries it is absolutely beneficial to prepare yourself.
Now preparation can look different for different situations-it can be as simple as putting on a coat and gloves to go outside on a cold day to creating an intricate, multifaceted business proposal for a major corporation.
What ever it might look like, preparation is key!
As we "prepare" for situations one should try to look at all possible contingents from simple to complex. In other words plan for the unexpected. Now we might miss a little detail here or there and that's ok mistakes happen and we have to learn some how.
However, like I mentioned in my last blog entry if you "lead" with your head you increase your chances of success and minimize "belly flops".
Now here comes the soap box....I mentioned putting on your coat and gloves earlier...why are people so stupid..(judgement, I know) when it comes to preparing for cold weather? It seems like people more and more don't seem to either want to prepare or believe they need to prepare for cold weather. For example, I was coming out of the gym today, the temperature was a whopping 3 degrees-with windchill it felt more like -20- and I saw a friend coming into the gym wearing flip flops and a bathing suit. Oh, he was wearing a coat...AND flips flops and a bathing suit! I asked him if he knew it was cold out-his response-"oh, it's just a 30 second walk from the parking lot". But what about the time spent walking to your cold car which has been sitting out all night in the extreme weather and sitting in it until the car finals warms up? REALLY??! This is coming from a 50+ year old man!!! From my teenage son, maybe-but even he knows (begrudgingly) he should dress appropriately.
Another example..I'm watching the evening news, they are doing a story on how different schools decide whether or not they should have a delay or close schools because of the extreme cold. The footage they are showing are of kids standing at there bus stops in the cold and one of them is only wearing a sweatshirt, no gloves, no hat and the temp is only -2 to about 2 above-REALLY??!
I guess people don't realize in weather that cold , exposed skin can get frostbitten in 30 minutes or less? Being ill-prepared in extreme weather not only can set up extremes like frost bite but your body is also working extremely hard to maintain normal functions-it is getting tired and therefore more susceptible to colds and illness. No, cold does not make you sick but a tired body is more susceptible to the bacteria
and viruses that do.
Also think about the possibility that you might have to be out in the cold longer than anticipated-an accident, a car breaks down, you fall and get seriously hurt, traffic delays your ride, a fire or fire drill puts you outside until the "all clear" sounds...any number of things can happen. Now don't think I am alarmist...I am not...but I was a boy scout....there motto...BE PREPARED.
Why let ego, machismo, laziness and yes even stupidity prevent you from taking a few extra seconds to put on "clothing" that will allow you to deal with the elements as effectively as possible?
Lead with your head...responsibly...and set your self up for success not "belly flops"!
You are the difference!!!