Tomorrow is Thanksgiving a day to spend with friends and family to show appreciation- thankful recognition- for what we have, for what we have lost, for what we can create in our lives.
I would like to show my appreciation to those that have touched my life in so many ways-personally and professionally. Without the support of my family, my friends, my colleagues and all the clients, students, and participants of all the lessons and classes I have taught, I truly have gained and learned more from you than I could ever teach. Thank you for allowing me to a part of your lives. Without you, I would not be where I am today. I would not know love, joy, respect, happiness and abundance without the lessons/gifts you have given me. THANK YOU! I would like to wish you all, the best Thanksgiving tomorrow and happiness and joy everyday!
As you celebrate tomorrow, take time to show, tell or think about the people and events that have shaped your lives-take time to appreciate all the blessings big and small that have graced your lives and for those that grace your lives daily.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and may the blessings of life find you happy, healthy, wealthy and wise!