: a person who is fooled or cheated by someone else
: someone or something that is harmed by an unpleasant even
( such as an illness or accident)
: one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent
These are all definitions of victim from the Merriam-Webster dictionary. And yes there are many people who have been "victimized" by others. There is a lot of bad things that happen to good people. Why? Because there are people and forces in the world that don't feel the rules of society pertain to them. People that are affected in this way are not the "victims" I am talking about.
I am talking about people who are "victimized" by there circumstance. I am talking about being
trapped or held hostage by circumstance. We all have life happening all the time. Things happen to us, around us and by us constantly. People get divorced, people have handicaps, people get injured, people are rich, people are poor, some people are successful, some are not. What ever your story there are 2 things to consider. ONE- it is just a story-how do you want it to be?! And
TWO- it is yours- how do you want it to be?
No we can not control other people. Laws, regulations, rules they can direct how we want our society to be. What laws, regulations and rules can never do is determine or control how individuals respond to them.
What we can do is control how ,as individuals, we see things, react to things, believe, behave and do things. There are hundreds of thousands of stories of people overcoming there circumstances and being successful and happy and well adjusted to life. Not because they are special but because they choose to live for today and for there future. They have created ownership of there life.They have not let there circumstance dictate what there life is or isn't.
Life happens to us all and sometimes, many times it may not be easy. We can however, choose how we account for our story, own our story and especially write our story!
Think about what it would be like to create our story as opposed to being created by our circumstance?!!