a conversation about health and what that looked like. One of them gave me a compliment saying I looked 10 years younger than I am. He then proceeded to ask me what I ate. I said anything I want. He was a little surprised but I followed that with I eat what I want but I am aware of what I eat and aware of how my body deals with what I eat.
I like food, all types of food, I think food is great!. I believe God would agree and that is why he has blessed us with so many types of food (now if you are not religious then think of mother nature instead of God), either way, our planet provides an abundance of wonderful nutrition. No, I am not a planet hugger or extreme foody just someone who appreciates good healthy ( and sometimes not so healthy) food! I am not afraid to try new foods. I'm also not afraid of food. I am not worried if it's going to make me fat, or if I should or shouldn't, or if it's "good" for me or not. If I like it I will eat it . With that said, I also try my best not to over do any one type of food-I love steak and I love pasta but I do not eat them all the time. I don't drink a lot of soda-might have 1 or 2 a month; I drink alcohol and wine: I don't eat anything"diet"-no low fat or "lite", no diet drinks of any kind. I eat vegetables and fruit and homemade goodies and birthday cake and ice cream...you get the point. I eat FOOD!!! I do my best to eat as less processed food as possible. I know most things in the grocery store are processed in some way but If I eat something that is "processed" I enjoy it and move on. I do not worry about if it has this carcinogen or that or if it's made with meat "parts" or whatever,. You know a good hot dog is a wonderful thing now and again!
Are there foods that help make your skin look younger; are there foods that protect our heart and other bodily systems; are there foods that may have too much sugar per serving; yes to all of these questions and more but the more we worry and complicate and stress over every nit picking fad, or suggestion, or warning the more our bodies will be confused and the more they will work inefficiently. YOUR body, mind and spirit know what it needs...listen, pay attention and be aware and enjoy!
To sum this up, I look at food 2 ways...1) our bodies need nutrition. The planet provides an abundance of it so instead of being afraid of what is or isn't right just eat. But be aware of what YOUR body needs,be aware of how YOUR body reacts and enjoy the abundance the planet has to offer. And 2) if it (food) comes from God ( or mother nature your choice) then your body more than like knows what to do with it and provides what your body needs. If it (food) comes in a package with an arms length list of ingredients you can't pronounce then chances are your body isn't going to deal with it well.