I'll bet many of you might say talking, or texting, or even body language. Those are all great ways to communicate but what is communication?
Simply put, communication is the sending of information and the receiving of information between at least 2 people.
Now information can be sent many different ways and received many different ways.
There are billions of people on this planet and most of them have 5 senses...so think about how many possibilities that creates to send and receive information...WOW!! And people wonder why there is so much mis-communication going on?!
Now don't get all hot and bothered and dramatic that communication is impossible, it's not. It actually goes on continuously all around us, in us, among us and even when we don't think it's happening...it's happening 24/7, everywhere!
Actually, I believe communication is the center of our lives. No matter what profession we are in, what we are doing or who we are doing things with, communication is key!
The trick is understanding what we are sending and what we are receiving.
As I touched on earlier communication can happen a lot of different ways, in many different languages, many different cultures, with different senses. Our age, our moods, how we were raised, where we were raised, our experiences, if we're hungry or not, our stress level, our (perceived) social status...all these influences among so many others
can and do effect how we communicate.
So understanding and accepting ourselves when we are stressed, hungry, where we came from, how we look at things, how others look at things, where others come from -go a long way in creating effective communication.
So when you are in a situation and communication seems a bit strained, stop- take a breath- look,listen and feel to what is truly going on in you and the person(s) involved in the communication and realize they communicate differently than you.
On the flip side of that coin, if you are in a situation where communication is smooth and clear be thankful and mindful of how that happened!
Communication can and will be improved from both situations!