raise your hand if you have ever been frustrated. Come on, there are a few of you not putting your hands up!!! I can see you...( this is a magic blog Santa gave me...I see who's naughty or nice and know if you've been bad or good. So be good for goodness sake!...;-) )
Seriously, we have all been frustrated now and again. I mean think about when you are in a hurry and your driving and all of a sudden you get behind "snail man"! That one person who believes the speed limit is overrated.You know you can run faster then they are driving and frustration starts rearing it's ugly head in a big way. And then all you want to do is find the nearest bazooka and blow that vehicle out of the way.
I know I've been there(once or twice....)! When we calm down we know (logically) they are not driving slow just to tick us off (actually God has put them in front of us to teach us patients-that is what I have come to believe) .
Classic case of frustration getting the best of us. I believe though frustration is truly an internal emotion. Yes, "snail man" is an external object but how we are feeling in that situation is creating the intensity of our frustration.That's internal.
It is expectation vs. result.
We know we have to be some where at some time (expectation) but because we made certain decisions earlier we are now in this situation( result). We don't like the result so we get frustrated. And the bigger the expectation, the bigger possibility for frustration if the desired result doesn't occur.
What I have learned, over time, is; If I take a breath and own all the choices I made earlier (before the "snail man" event)-taking a longer shower;enjoying the hot shower a little longer; hitting the snooze button(14 times); reading the sports page AND the comics-it allows me to take control of the situation instead of the situation taking control of me. This does allow me to calm down more quickly and takes away the urge to find a bazooka and realize "I can change lanes instead".
Frustration happens...just try to own your choices and finds solutions not negative emotions.