As we have grown up from childhood to adulthood we have had and continue to have many influences in our lives. These influences have and do shape our "perspective"- how we tend to look at things, relate to things, react to things- in our world. It's not to say our perspective doesn't serve us well but it is OUR perspective; it is how WE (as individuals) see situations and OUR (as individuals) perspective to own. However, at times,It may not necessarily be the perspective that allows for the most effective solution or outlook.
Now take our EGO's ( as I have discovered-EGOS stands for: Erroneous Gage Of Self) - too many times we want to be right or we want every situation to be about us ( and we know who we are). This too creates an affect on how we look at or react to things in OUR world.
So therefore we judge the world we live in as big, small, right, wrong, good, bad, hot, cold, bright, dreary, funny, sad, fat, thin, hip, nerdy, fast, slow, tall, short, black ,white-you get the picture- we have labels and judgments to describe or classify everything in our world. Do we judge to help justify our own existence, I don't know, maybe? I do know we do it.
Lets look at a couple of general scenarios-
Take all the talking heads out there-the sports analysts, the politicos, the radio and television hosts- they all get paid to spout their perspectives (and yes most of them have ego's). They don't necessarily get paid to be right. They are paid for their judgments and to create buzz and conversation. For the most part they do a pretty good job on those 2 tasks (my judgment). And yes everyday we support these perspectives because we listen to them. Again not judging just stating "we do".
Heck, I'm a pretty big sports fan and enjoy listening to many of the sports prognosticators
(especially during football season)-Mike and Mike and Grady and Big Joe are my favorites. Now I don't always agree and at times look at the radio or television and wonder if the person talking just grew a third head! But I do enjoy it for what it is-entertainment- and do my best not to judge what is said but listen and create my own understanding of what is going on.
If talking heads don't make sense try this general scenario- as a consumer we buy a product. We take the product home. Now some time down the road, for some reason the product stops working. We then as the "rational" people we are, choose to go to the place of purchase and speak with the place of purchase to get a replacement product. Sounds like a pretty straight forward scenario doesn't it. However we all know this scenario doesn't always turn out the way we want it to and when it doesn't we as the "rational" people we are get angry and "blame" the place of purchase for the out come.
Now two things about this scenario or any scenario- they don't always go our way AND we tend to blame others for the outcome. When things don't go our way and "blame" comes into the picture that's when our perspective's and ego's become the issues at hand.
Our world is not right or wrong, or black or white or any other label or judgment we want to put on it. OUR world is as our perspective's and ego's allow us to view it, react to it and live in it. But know this, we have the ability as humans to understand and change (if needed) both our perspective and ego.
Now here's a question to ponder ...
What kind of world do you think we could all live in if we took the time to understand different perspectives and egos to find EFFECTIVE solutions for ourselves and others?