As Thanksgiving is 2 days away instead of just being thankful for all the wonderful food
we are about to receive lets also be thankful for all that we have! And I mean everything!
Be thankful for the family's and the friends we have; be thankful for the the roofs over our heads; be thankful for the ability to get up early or get up late; be thankful for the praise we get and the complaints as well; be thankful for the birds, the bees, the flower and the trees;
be thankful for all the weather mother nature provides; be thankful for the government we have, the taxes we pay and all that both provide; be thankful for all the good, the bad, the happy and the sad we get to experience everyday; be thankful for the military men and women that have sacrificed to provide for the ability to complain about what is not perfect
in our country and be thankful that what you have may be more than the person standing next to you.
As much as life is not perfect and it has it ups and downs that we may or may not be ready for, we do get to enjoy all those ups and downs. We get to choose how we look at things, how we react to things, how to do things and what things we get to do.
With that said, I would like to thank all of you that have touched my life in so many ways!
A special thanks to God who has given me all my gifts to utilize to the best of my ability; to my wife who supports and loves me in ways that amaze me everyday; to my kids who I love and support unconditionally and to my family who have always been there no matter what!
Life is a get to and I truly am thankful for the life I have had, the life I have and the life I am yet to live.'s a get to and...