Now depending on what you think of that state of health and what you feel you can do to change it totally depends on you. As I mentioned in my last blog you are responsible for your health, for your results. Now, how you approach the process is also up to you. What your attitude is towards changing your health plays a significant role in your level of success.
I was talking with a friend ( Bob- not his real name. I changed his name to protect the innocent) this morning who is trying to find a program/tool to help his wife improve her physical health. She had tried Aquaboxingtm and seemed to like it but she is currently having back issues which is limiting her movement. So I and others mentioned other aquatic exercise programs that may be more suited for his wife. One of those programs was Aqua Pilates. Bob thought it might be a good idea. I suggested he might try it as well. He wasn't thrilled with that idea. He wanted to be more "active" he wanted more "intensity"- that male ego was kicking in!.
As we kept talking I mentioned to him that he would "GET TO" work out with his wife. He stopped for a moment, pondered the idea and liked the fact he would get to work out with his wife. It made the class itself secondary.The minute he realized he would get to do something he enjoyed( being with his wife)- how he did that was not so important.
When we realize we "get to" stuff, stuff becomes fun- our happiness factor increases and our success rate improves! So stop thinking like everything is a chore-life should never be a chore. Life should be and is a total GET TO!
So go, GET TO life, GET TO better health.... GET TO be successful!!!