MISTAKE-an action or judgement that is misguided or wrong
As I have mentioned in the past I try not to judge right or wrong but effective and ineffective. So you ask if an act or judgement that is ineffective, wrong. NO. I believe an act or judgement is wrong if one has not learned from the result. In other other words, we all get misguided from time to time the question is do we learn from the results of our misguided acts or judgments.
Mistake- misunderstand, misinterpret, slip, blunder, omission, goof ,flub, boo-boo
or as Homer would say, "Duh!"
Many times a day we make judgments and take action based on information coming from many different sources-our surroundings,our past, trusted friends, the media, formal education, informal education- and many times that information may be incomplete,it may ignored, it may be completely accurate, it may be all three.What, I believe helps create effective or ineffective results is what is going on in our own brain at the time we make the judgement or take the action.Our interpretation of all the information we are utilizing at the time determines our results.
The great thing about mistakes though, is they help guide and form a new sense of what is needed or not in the next judgement or action-especially if we pay attention to the results! I guess that is the key-paying attention!
I guess a good quote to help illustrate this comes from Thomas Edison-He was once asked what is was like to error so often in creating the light bulb-he stated-" I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that don't work."
As long as we are paying attention to the results of our actions and judgments mistakes won't be made but learning will occur. So, if you are one who believes the thought process that "I CAN'T do something because I'm not very good and I'll make a mistake" try re-framing your thought process to- I'll get to DO something and learn how TO DO better as I learn!
MY last thought- I don't believe trying to make a mistake on purpose is necessarily a good course of action-some people do?! I do believe if we do our best in making judgments and taking actions we can learn from what did result and become more effective as we move forward in each decision and in life!