The original thought was to have each current member to just have a conversation with 1 friend about Kiwanis-Just a conversation. If that happened and 10% of those conversations turned into new members that would be 6+ new members in our club. If we did that every year and grew 10% ...WOW what a strong club that could make.
Now take that same idea and implement that in your lives...THE POWER of 1. If you lost 1 pound a week for 1 month-4 lbs...for 6 months 24 lbs...for 1 year over 50 lbs( 52 weeks in a year, not counting leap year ;-} ). If you save $1 a day that's $365 dollars a year...for 10 years that's $3,650. If you reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by 1 every day, eventually will have reduced it to cool would that be! If everyone helped 1 person everyday-with a compliment, buying lunch, a prayer, a smile, having a conversation with a stranger, etc.- what a wonderful world it could be.
So it starts with 1...1 is doable..1 something and you add 1 something everyday then things begin to multiply and before long we are walking on the moon-we are curing cancer- we are understanding each other-we are ending hunger-we are improving our individual, and global health in ways we can only imagine.
Progress happens 1 step at a time, so as you navigate your path of life and things look unsurmountable think of THE POWER OF 1...take what seems like a mountain to climb and conquer it 1 step at a time. Before you know it, you will be standing on the peak of that mountain looking over the most beautiful valley of success you can imagine!