I wanted to talk today about water. No, not the water you drink but the water you workout in. Wait, you don't work out in the water?! Why not? Do you realize what benefits you are missing? Did you know working out in the water not only can give you a great complete workout but it also gives you a safe workout. It can also give your abs the best workout they've had in years!
Now before I tell you about a great program that challenges every muscle in the body I want to tell you about why water is such a good workout medium. For some of you this may be old news but for some of you it may just teach you a thing or two.
There are 4 main reasons why aquatic workouts are so beneficial:
1- Low impact-because of the reduction of gravity in the water, you float -therefore your weight is reduced and the impact on your joints is lessoned
2- Complete and less inhibited range of Motion (ROM)-with all joints used- again because gravity is reduced your joints are less incumbered which provides for a freer and fuller range of motion. Think of it this way-Your joints are a hinge on a door. Due to gravity and time the hinge begins to rust and move sluggishly. As you remove the rust and oil the hinge, motion is returned to normal and moves much freer. Water is that rust remover and oil that allows the joint to freely move without hinderance.
3- Increased Strength through a complete ROM- because of the Hydrostatic pressure (or uniform tension) of water, the resistance created when a body part is moved is consistant throughout the enitre range of motion. In other words, no matter what direction a body part moves or at any point in a ROM, the resistance that is created by the water is the same. That said, the harder one moves a body part against the water the harder the water works against the body part. This force can never be broken or overcome. So, the harder you work the stronger you get!
4- Safety- because of the above reasons and the fact that if you fall in the water the only thing that will happen is you get wet- no head injuries, no twisted ankles, no bruises,contusions or broken bones.
I mentioned earlier a "great" aquatics exercise program-this progrm is called BOQUA. This high energy, low impact aquatic workout utilizes the mechanics of athletic movement and the constant resistance and safety of water to strengthen the core, improve balance and coordination, strengthen and stabilize all major joints and increase overall strength-all while having fun! You can find out more about BOQUA on the BOQUA page of this website.
As I am a little biased of this program (I did create it) there are many other great aquatics classes that can and do utilize the benefits of water. If you haven't tried a water workout lately get in a pool and try one out you will be suprised how challenging it will be!
REMEMBER...you are the DIFFERENCE!!!